About Us
2002年1月、社内向けホームページに「IBMにオーケストラを」という呼びかけが掲載されました。その呼びかけに応じて集まったのは職場・職種の違い を越えた約60名。その多くが大学オーケストラを経験し、入社後もアマチュア・オーケストラに所属して積極的な音楽活動を行っていました。
IBM Philharmonic Orchestra,Japan (IPOJ) is mainly comprised of employees of IBM Japan and other IBM group companies. We mainly perform classical masterpieces and held regular concerts twice a year.
In January 2002, the message of "shall we organize orchestra in IBM" appeared on a page of the intranet. In response to this message, 60 amateur musicians got together from various departments and jobs. Many of them experienced orchestra in their university years and kept on performing music in amateur orchestras.
We have 100 members now. We perform in regular concert, chamber concert and company's events such as New year's kick off, Spring kick off and Christmas lobby concert.
IPOJ learn more about fine music from working with professional conductors and musicians, and from audience.
Please come and join us to enjoy fine music.